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TICKETS Rakia Museum – Aged Rakia Experience

To Bulgarians, RAKIA isn’t just a drink; it’s a cherished piece of their heart and soul. 🇧🇬 Now, come discover its essence at the Rakia Museum in Sofia, where history, flavor, and tradition come alive.
☑ Immerse in Rakia’s captivating history and craftsmanship.
☑ Explore the artistry of Rakia-making.
☑ Sample a curated selection of Rakia flavors from across the country.
☑ Take home a piece of Bulgaria from our exclusive Rakia-themed gift shop.
Open: Everyday 11:30 am – 6:30 pm

Ticket includes:

Отлежала ракия – Включва: ● Достъп до изложбата ● Аудио гид ● Дегустация на 3 вида ракия, съчетани с български мезета.


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  • Локация Rakia Museum, 22 Patriarh Evtimiy Bd., Sofia, Bulgaria

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Aged Rakia Experience
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